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Mark I must say, youre a breath of fresh air in this whole shitbag we sometimes live in

Mark I must say, youre a breath of fresh air in this whole shitbag we sometimes live in

harrysmatical: Absolutely. And let’s not forget that Cuban got his money by creating a bubble company and getting stupid Yahoo to buy it for a ridiculous amount of money. It doesn’t even really exist anymore. He (smartly) rode a stupid bubble caused by free money given out by the fed and has spent the rest of his life coasting and playing owner of the Mavericks. His current ventures are doing about as well as his first in a real world economy.

I’d love to debate him on this issue. I’d hand him his ass. And if he really believes what he wrote about Fountainhead then he doesn’t believe what he wrote in this blog article anyhow.

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From MC> Feel free . Any time. You obviously don’t know my history or the histories of the multiple companies i created and sold. I will give you one little secret. I sold a company and retired BEFORE broadcast. And right now, every company I run, but 1 is profitable.

What you’re pushing is enslaving (Yes I mean that term exactly as you read it) those that work hard to those that do not

frightnight: A successful person is successful because they work hard and use their brains and build things that people want. Sigue leyendo Mark I must say, youre a breath of fresh air in this whole shitbag we sometimes live in